Monday, January 24, 2011

pow#3 Snapshot

this crazy man right here is my hero, my dad.
It feels good to know that I can go to my father about anything. I have messed up so much in my teen years, but he's always been there no matter what , and has had my back 24/7. I am really thankful and blessed to have such a great role model in my life. I know one day i'll be an amazing parent because of him.

POW #2 Satire

I think this is funny because people are always complaining about our government, when we actually need the government to keep things under control.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

my name is..

Kristina Cole. My parents named me Kristina because they not only liked the name, but also wanted to change it up with a K, because the common spelling is Christina. Kristina also went good along with my lastname cole, which flows.

The orgin of my name is from Germany, and it means 'the follower of christ' . It makes sense because my dad is German, and he is religous as well as my mom is. Kristina also means 'chris bearer' in Greek.

There nothing really wrong with my name in my opinon, i like it. i never had problems about it, and i never got teased for being named Kristina.